Saturday, May 2, 2020

Aristotle The Good Life free essay sample

An analysis of Aristotles philosophy of what makes a good and complete life. This paper discusses the philosophy of good life given by the great thinker Aristotle. It looks at Aristotles view that there are certain external and internal goods available to man, and it is through the attainment of internal goods that man is able to live a life that can be identified as a good life. Aristotle was the prized student of Socrates and his works though are not widely available are still considered to be of great significant to the world of euphemism. The philosophical thought is incomplete without the works of Aristotle as his contribution is huge and some of his views are studies even today by the students of philosophy. Aristotles theory of a good life is based one certain actions and virtues which fall in the realm of ethics. It was the view of Aristotle that good life means a man should act while in possession of certain external goods. We will write a custom essay sample on Aristotle: The Good Life or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page By this it means that one should possess all moral and intellectual virtues in order to qualify as someone with a good life. The moral virtues to him were prudence, justice, fortitude and temperance. All these virtues are based on reason and it was the Aristotelian view that reason and logic should be given precedence over passion. Intellectual virtues are based on pure theoretical contemplation and they cannot be considered very practical as they seem to arise from Aristotles views on logic and a Stoic philosophy which meant that man must first not act purely on impulse or passion but should think carefully before acting.

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